An intuitive flow state is cultivated in each coaching session, skillfully and intentionally guiding you toward your inner wisdom, a most potent source of wellbeing. States of relaxation, metaphor and imagery, self-compassion, and focus on strengths and values open our “inner pharmacy,” allowing our mind-body-spirits access to the expanded perspective that enables meaningful growth and change. Subtle and manageable changes in the short term lay the neural pathways required to create new ways of being in the long term.
Betsy Ranum MA, RN, NBC-HWC
Betsy (she/her) is an integrative health & wellbeing coach and community holistic nurse. An RN in Minnesota since 2012, Betsy earned an integrative nurse coach certificate in 2014, became a national board certified health & wellness coach (NBC-HWC) in 2019, and in 2020 completed an MA in Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coaching at the University of Minnesota Center for Spirituality and Healing.
Betsy practices coaching with deep humility, respect, and unconditional positive regard for the clients she works with—as a model for flipping the paradigm of care from power-over to power-with. She partners with clients, skillfully cultivating space for people to find their inner wisdom, explore challenges, and expand their own vision of what is possible.
Betsy's Integrative Health & Wellbeing Coaching offerings are grounded in holistic and integrative nursing principles and practices, providing possibilities to incorporate Integrative Nurse Coaching, mindfulness, breathing and body awareness practices, hypnosis, guided meditation and imagery, biofeedback and heart rate variability training, Reiki, and other mind-body-spirit, holistic nursing modalities as appropriate and desired.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Integrative Health & Wellbeing Coaching
What is integrative health & wellbeing coaching?
It's a dynamic process of creating meaningful and sustainable change in areas of emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, energetic, social, and environmental health and wellness...with a sort of strange and vague name. Trying it for yourself is the best way to experience the magic!
Why "integrative" health & wellbeing coaching?
Integrative refers to the harmonious melding of the best of conventional, complementary, and alternative practices and philosophies for a holistic and person-centered approach to health and wellbeing. Integrative Health Coaches have education, training and experience in a range of approaches to health and wellbeing, and "speak the language of medicine and of healing." (INCA
What happens in a health coaching session?
The possibilities are endless...but there is basic structure. In general,, the session starts with an opportunity to relax and get grounded (a simple breathing exercise or more in-depth mind-body exercise--up to you), an exploration of your intention and vision, and development of a goal or action step to take with you. Coaching sessions with Betsy can include talk, powerful questioning and exploration, slow and gentle reflection, writing, drawing, mindfulness and body awareness practices, guided imagery and meditation, Reiki, biofeedback, astrology, metaphor and archetype exploration, Enneagram, and more. At the closing of a session, we can clarify next steps and intentions going forward, and identify “takeaways” of insight that emerged.
Who can benefit from integrative health & wellbeing coaching?
Most anyone, really. If you are wanting to explore broader, more existential aspects of your holistic wellbeing (creativity, career, spirituality, self-care, relationships, purpose, intuition, etc., health coaching can help you dive deep, develop a vision, and establish steps to pave your path forward. If you are trying to make changes related to health (stress, sleep, diet, exercise, disease prevention and management, etc. etc.), health coaching can help you figure out what internal and external barriers are in your way, and come up with strategies and practical action steps to lay the foundation for long term success.
So who is integrative health & wellbeing coaching not for?
Coaching is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment, and it's not psychotherapy. Coaching is not appropriate for crisis situations, or circumstances requiring a medical or mental health evaluation. A health coach doesn't diagnose, or treat; they partner with you to allow your wisdom and vision to guide your own process. Health coaching is not for you if you're not yet ready to take ownership of your change process. While health coaching is a great place to explore ideas and potential resources, an integrative health & wellbeing coach won't give you a diet plan, or an exercise plan, or a set of steps to follow. Because meaningful change comes within, you must be willing to discover your own plan--guided by the support of a professional specifically trained in tapping into your inner wisdom and motivation.
Is coaching the same as therapy?
No. Health coaching and psychotherapy have important things in common: both create a safe and supportive space to explore your inner world and create meaningful change. Health coaches acknowledge and respect the depth, grief and complexity of being human. Health coaches do not have the training and scope of practice to appropriately address mental health crises, explore unresolved past traumas, diagnosable mental health issues, and other emotional and mental realms that are best addressed by mental health professionals. As a general guide: psychotherapy is equipped to delve into the past and pathology; integrative health & wellbeing coaching uses mindful presence to build on strengths in the present, and visions for the future.
How will my life be improved by Integrative Health & Wellbeing Coaching?
Many people discover after several coaching sessions (or even one!):
Deepened self-acceptance and self-love.
Clarity around purpose and a vision for the future.
"A-ha" moments, or major insights and breakthroughs, that fundamentally shift their perspective.
Reconnection with the voice within, their true self, or "true north."
Empowerment and self-awareness.
An action plan to navigate what was once overwhelming.
New skills and techniques in mindfulness, presence, stress management, and
Tangible steps that make previously daunting changes seem manageable--
even energizing!
Expanded energy, gratitude, and joy.
Integrative Health & Wellbeing Coaching
Integrative Health & Wellbeing Coaching is the art and science of behavior change, growth, and capacity-building.
While the science is grounded in research from diverse fields and disciplines about how humans make meaningful and sustained change, the art of coaching is all about presence and flow, illuminating your inner wisdom.
The role of the coach is to listen to you with full presence, honoring you as the ultimate authority on your own health and wellbeing.