Rebekah LaVone, RN, PHN, HNB-BC

Rebekah (she/her) has spent much of her adult life involved within the trauma community. She studied under Dr. Karyn Purvis and is a practitioner of Trust Based Relational Intervention. Her nursing background (RN, PHN, HNB-BC) is what brought her to learn about MNRI (Masgutova NeuroSensory Motor Reflex Integration). She felt as though there was a missing link in trauma care regarding the physical body. Understanding Dr. Masgutova's work about trauma from a neurophysiological background is what opened her eyes to the necessity of being involved in a therapy that recognizes the foundation that our reflexes play within our trauma responses. She has utilized this hands-on therapy in her practice with both adults and pediatric patients. Consequently, if your body is not ready for hands-on approach, she is able to work through movements and self-initiated exercises.

Rebekah’s Offerings

What Rebekah’s patients are saying:

  • Working with Rebekah was one of the best and easiest choices that I have made for myself. I have C-PTSD and weekly sessions with her coaxed my body out of "fight-or-flight" mode several years after the incident occured. She is nothing short of incredible.


  • Rebekah is the real deal, all I can say is "wow." She is truly phenomenal at what she does.
