Written In The Stars: Minnesota Integrative Health Studio Turns 1

Betsy Ranum MA, RN, NBC-HWC

Rest & Relaxation Coaching, Reiki Practitioner

This week, Minnesota Integrative Health Studio celebrates its one year anniversary. Since Said and Larissa officially announced that MIHS was open for business on March 7, 2023, the earth has completed full rotation around the sun. 

I’ll be honest. I’m an astrology aficionado/junkie. This means I can’t think about this full rotation around the sun for the Studio without yearning to reflect on the stars and planets, and what they were up to on March 7, 2023. 

There may be a number of astrology nerds out there reading this. And I know there are probably a lot more people whose relationship to astrology is anywhere between mild interest, amusement, skepticism, and total annoyance. I welcome you, one and all, to this half-baked musing!

Here’s the thing about astrology: 20+ years deep into my amateur (see the French “lover” but also the very English not-a-pro significance) relationship with this ancient art and language of the stars, I find the question of whether astrology is “real” or “true” much less compelling than the questions we get to explore through its archetypes. The signs and the planetary bodies hold their own mythopoetic significance that can enrich our understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit. Is a folktale “real”? Is a poem “true?” What’s important is the meaning we can make from immersing ourselves in the symbols, images, and the stories they hold. 

The planet Saturn governs discipline and structure.

One story the “birth chart” of Minnesota Integrative Health Studio is telling is that of the planet Saturn moving into the sign of Pisces. Saturn takes its time. It spends around 3 years in each sign before it moves onto the next–so it’s kinda a big deal when it switches over. (For context, Saturn was in Aquarius from March 2020 to March 2023anyone remember anything significant happening during that particular time frame?) So I consider it also kinda a really big deal that on the exact day that the Studio opened, Saturn moved from collectivist and radical Aquarius to dreamy and spiritual Pisces. 

Saturn as an archetype is about discipline. Boundaries. Structure. The sign of Pisces, on the other hand, is dreamy and oceanic, and speaks to themes of unified consciousness, spiritual oneness, intuition, flow. Where Saturn and Pisces meet, we have the necessary ingredients for the healing arts, and for making the most expansive realms manifest in material reality. With Saturn in Pisces, we see where structure meets flow. One of the stories that Saturn in Pisces can tell is that of the discipline required for an intuitive healer to mature into expertise. It is the many years of schooling, apprenticeship, and service that allow our interdisciplinary team of practitioners to consistently create space for deep healing to occur. 

The sign of Pisces is oceanic, limitless.

Saturn in Pisces can also be seen in the hard work and doggedness it takes to turn a longstanding dream into reality. Like say, Said’s childhood dream of someday opening up his own clinic in the tradition of the long line of herbalism of his father, and his father’s father, and his father’s father’s father, all the way back to his great-great-grandfather. Saturn is the long hours Said and Larissa spent crunching numbers, researching rules and regulations, creating systems, and recruiting loved ones to paint, assemble furniture, and get every detail just right. Saturn is the conscientious work of our clinic staff who handle administrative, logistical, operational tasks all day long with grace and skill. And Pisces…well, Pisces is the vibe that envelops you as soon as you enter the Studio space: timeless, peaceful, transcendent. 

There are a lot of other aspects of the MIHS “birth chart” that are poignant. Not least of all, the fact that just weeks after the opening of the Studio, Pluto (planet of deep transformation) moved into Aquarius (sign of collective liberation and radical innovation, among other themes) for the first time since the 1800s. Those will have to be for another blog post! 

Saturn will be in the sign of Pisces until 2026. This period offers opportunities for all of us to consider where the dreams in our life can find more structure, and where the discipline in our life can become more flowing and intuitive. We can look to our natural world for infinite teachers, like the banks that allow the river to flow.

At Minnesota Integrative Health Studio, we hope to provide a structure in your routine where you can tap into your innate capacity to experience the flow of life. A protected space to reconnect with your intuition and dreams. And in these times of disconnection, genocide, and collapse, we hope to continue to grow into a community institution that offers opportunities for as many people as possible to unwind, access authentic universal love and compassion, and feel into our interconnectedness.

Permanent ceasefire now. Free Palestine. Vote #uncommitted on Tuesday March 5!


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